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Deep Inner Healing

Date: Jan 14, 2008 Time: January 14 and 28
6:30 PM Mountain Time
Cost: $97.00
Instructor: Steven H Horne

Are You Tired of Being Sick, Lonely, Broke or Just Plain Unhappy?

Get Ready to Heal Your Life!

Join us for a two-session teleseminar, held Monday, January 14 and Monday, January 28th at 6:30 PM mountain time to learn.

The Secrets of Deep Inner Healing

Everybody has some struggles in their life. We all experience relationship problems, financial problems, health problems and other challenges. But, for some, these problems seem to become permanent fixtures in their lives instead of just temporary circumstances.

If you have a repeated pattern of problems in your life, it's because something inside of you keeps attracting the same difficulties over and over again. In fact, you're so used to having this pattern in your life that it has become a self-reinforcing belief, such as:

I'm not very good with relationships.
I never have enough money to pay my bills.
I'm just accident prone, things like this happen to me all the time.
I'm just not attractive to the opposite sex.
I'm always struggling with my health.

All of us have these attitudes about various aspects of our lives, but it doesn't mean that we can't change. We can. The bottom line is..

We are not who we think we are.

We are the way we are primarily because we believe that is the way we are. Fortunately, these self-limiting beliefs simply aren't true. They are illusions which are clouding our abillity to become what we are genuinely capable of becoming. So, by changing what we believe about ourselves, we can actually change the circumstances of our life.

This works because what we're experiencing in our life is the result of something called "the law of attraction." This principle, popularized by the DVD The Secret, states that our vibration (or, in other words, the energy we are sending forth) is drawing back to us our life experiences.

But, as much as I've enjoyed The Secret and other materials I've seen on the Law of Attraction, something about these materials just didn't seem right. Something was missing. There was too much emphasis on thinking, a if thinking alone is all that is needed to change one's life.

I have news for you, it isn't. In fact, you may have had experiences with trying to change things in your life by changing your thinking that failed. I have. But, because I've also had experiences where I've successfully changed what was inside of me and what I was attracting, I've taken a close look at what I believe is missing in most teachings on the "law of attraction" and "positive thinking."

I want to share with you the secrets that will make the law of attraction consistently work for you, every time you use them.

Who am I?

I’m Steven Horne (aka “The Herb Guy”). I’m a Registered Herbalist with and a past president of the American Herbalist Guild (AHG). I’m the author of numerous books and courses on herbs and natural healing and have lectured on this subject all over the world.

I've also worked for over 20 years changing what is inside of me and transforming myself from a sickly, shy person who struggled with finances and relationships into a healthy, successful businessman with lots of great friends. And, I've helped hundreds of other people make similar shifts in their lives.

Steven Horne

In this two part teleseminar on Deep Inner Healing: Changing Your Life from the Inside Out, I'll be sharing with you the following secrets to changing your life.

  • I'll explain the fatal flaw that makes most people's "positive thinking," simply "wishful thinking" and tell you what positive thinking can and cannot do for you.
  • I'll tell you the word that editors purged from Napolean Hill's book, Think and Grow Rich, that is the missing key to understanding how attraction works.
  • I'll tell you why most people's New Year's Resolutions fail and the one action you can take that will greatly increase your ability to achieve your goals. Hint: It isn't willpower.
  • I'll tell you seven secrets to prayng in "faith" so that your prayers gt answered and why many people's prayers violate the third commandment.
  • Although I won't be teaching religion, I'm also not afraid to bring God into the discussion, so I'm going to talk openly about how bringing God into my "positive thinking" has been an important key in my personal success.
  • I'm going to tell you how the heart thinks, and why thinking with your heart is more important to attracting what you really want than thinking with your head.
  • I'll also share with you why what most people are trying to "manifest" through the law of attraction won't make them happy, and how to use the law of attraction to bring you what you really want - happiness, success, fulfillment and peace of mind.

The techniques I teach don’t require a Ph.D. to understand and use—they are easy for anyone to learn and apply. You owe it to yourself to spend one hour with me and hear what I have to say.

Register Today and Change Your Life.

This will be a two-session teleseminar, held Monday, January 14 and Monday, January 28th at 6:30 PM mountain time. Each call will last two hours (although I'll stay on longer if there are lots of questions). Because we will have a lot of people on these calls, we’ll have operator assistance to cue people who ask questions.

The calls will be recorded and you will receive a Audio CDs of the recordings of the calls for review. There will also be some written materials available for download that will help you apply what we discuss.

This teleseminar is only $97 and it also comes with an unconditional-money back guarantee. I don't want anyone having to pay for this material if it doesn't benefit their lives. So, if you participate in both sessions of the teleseminar and don’t feel that the information was useful to you or are unhappy with the program for any reason, you just have to call us or write us by February 1st, and we’ll cheerfully refund your money. (Cancelling will exclude you from receiving the audio recordings of the class.)

You'll be emailed instructions on how to get on the call as well as reminders about the calls. (Be sure we have your correct email address.)

Call 507-726-3719 to listen to a FREE preview call
There are no openings left available in this class.

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